Una historia con sabor a vainilla Al final del verano del 2007, y tras un largo recorrido, varios miembros de un mismo grupo deciden, retomar fuerzas, y recomponer una banda. nueva cantante y nuevo bajista para una formación ya consolidada , en la cual se recuperan temas, se desechan otros, se recomponen nombres y marcas, todo esto ,y sin completar la formación con solo con la incorporación de la nueva cantante, en septiembre del 2007, se montan siete nuevos temas, con un propósito y una dirección completamente distinta y nueva, así nace "vanilla base " nuevo color y sabor para una nueva andadura, la incorporación del bajista, varias actuaciones, la grabación de una televison, y una maqueta con cuatro canciones, completan los últimos meses, de trabajo de los vanilla, planes , ideas y ganas no faltan, así que con esta buena base os invitamos , a nuestra nueva andadura en el mundo musical de vanilla base, con canciones frescas y un toque de sabor a vainilla. A story with a touch of vanilla It was the end of summer 2007 when after many years together, the members of the group decided to regroup and begin to work after a break. A new vocalist and bass guitarist joined the already consolidated group which chose to recuperate some of their previous songs and leave out others, in addition to changing their name. With the incorporation of the new vocalist singer seven new songs were developed with a completely different focus and direction, giving rise to the name "Vanilla Base" with a new colour and flavour for a new journey. As the bass guitarist joined, several live performances were organized by the group including their appearance on a television show. The group then also recorded a demo CD with four songs. Its members have plenty of new ideas and plans for the future. So with this new base we would like to invite you to join us on a journey through the world of music of Vanilla Base filled with new sounds and a touch of vanilla. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..
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