Login to our sainsburys The urls which are related to oursainsburys are as follows. Even though you can see three different urls being mentioned all of them will redirect to the same webpage
once you visit them. The first url is www.mysainsburys.co.uk which is called as mysainsburys portal. The second url is www.oursainsburyslearning.co.uk which is called
as oursainsburys leanring portal. Now the latest one is www.oursainsburys.co.uk and called as oursainsburys portal. No matter which one you visit you will always
be taken to the oursainsburys portal with the url www.oursainsburys.co.uk. You can see a microsoft login page where you need enter your username and password
to gain access to the portal. There are higher chances that some times the urls may not redirect you to oursainsburys portal in that case I would suggest you use
the oursainsburys url directly without having any issues. If the url does not redirect you then it will display a message saying that the original website has been
moved and it also provides you with a link to the original website. Just hover over and click on the link to be redirected to the portal. If you have any other
personal issues or general issues then you can just contact the customer support team to get it resolved right away.
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